Midweek, Midterm, 881
Midweek of midterm break.. Feeling lousy... Feeling blue....Just saw 881, cos all of them says its nice... Hmm, I agree that the actresses and actors are really good, especially 小木瓜,but the whole show seems abit over-hyped. The costumes were great, songs were wonderful, but whats with the special effects.. Seems totally unrealistic... In the end, both the papayas were on the floor, hurt, but by what??? Still a blur to me... The director is great in filming but one thing is that there is no proper use of music in the show. Parts where there should be music to bring bout the feel it was not there, parts where there shouldnt be, there was.. I think the whole show was like on how many costumes can they change into, and all the 'emo' parts were squeezed into the last 15 mins of the movie... Ok, I guess the older generations will feel more for the show as they have been through what a getai is, probably foreigners will find this intriguing too as it is really a different culture that they will be seeing...
I think the actors and actresses did a great job, you can really feel what they are felling at that point, so kudos to them....
So in all,
Acting - 4 *
Music - 4 *
Plot - 3 *
Overall - 3 *
talked more trash @
12:14 AM